Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pearly Whites

Louie got his teeth cleaned today. We dropped him off in the morning and picked him up this evening. He was given anesthesia, and I thought he'd be groggy afterwards. And he might be a little more mellow (he's currently sleeping next to me on the couch), but not by much. And his choppers? They absolutely sparkle.

I recently joined San Diego Writers, and attended their Brown Bag writing group (think a game show lightning round for fiction). I arrived late (darn my poor sense of direction) and was only able to write on two of the prompts. I am feeling so emboldened by my friend Jehanne's recent blog entries that I'm going to post part of this story, for a limited time only. The prompt was "I paid them."

--The beginnings of a short story have been removed from this post.--

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