Saturday, September 27, 2008


When I heard this was probably the last time the Rosarito-Ensenada Bike Ride would happen, I had to do it. Luckily, Pam agreed to do it with me. I got to hear about Pam's Mount Whitney adventure, practice a little Spanish, get a little exercise, and eat comida mexicana.

(How long do I take to give away 5.25 lbs of candy? A Half mile.
Riders bring candy to pass out to kids along the way.)

(It's kinda of a laid-back ride.)

(Going through a town.
The first part of the ride was along the coast, which was foggy.)

(Pam and I take photos of each other.)

(We thought we'd stop in towns along the way to get tacos.
But we ended up holding out until the end. These were delicious.)

(A half bar of Zest soap at the public showers after the ride. 5 pesos.)

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