Sunday, February 21, 2010

Veggie Month: Okra

(It's a good sign when your husband wants seconds.)

I've always been a little leery of okra. Probably because I never had many opportunities to eat it as a kid.

But this meal is one of my favorite of the month (the chayote stir fry will be a dinner regular after February's long gone).

I had been about to fill a produce bag with $4.99/lb. fresh okra when I remembered the bags of frozen stuff I'd been seeing and passing up for years. So I went to the next aisle over and picked up a 1.25-lb. bag for $1.99.

Adapted from a recipe on the bag of generic Safeway frozen okra:
3 tbsp. olive oil
1 chopped onion
1/2 c. chopped celery
3 cloves minced garlic
1 (20 oz.) package frozen cut okra
1 (28 oz.) can crushed tomatoes
1/2 lb. ground turkey
chili powder
red pepper flakes
1 bay leaf

Sautee onion and celery in oil until light brown. Add garlic, okra, and tomatoes. Cook five minutes, then add ground turkey and seasonings. Let simmer until ready. Serve plain, or over rice, pasta, or tortilla chips.


Mom said...

I love okra, but never made it because your Dad said it reminded him of the soggy cotton rolls he encountered at work every day. I didn't want to serve something I required you and your brothers to eat, but that Dad got a pass on. Maybe the taste for okra is genetic; in any case, your recipe sounds delicious and I'll try it when your Dad's gone some night. :-)

Michelle Panik said...

This was sooooo good! Since the okra had been frozen, I thought it might be mushy, too. But it wasn't. It's firm and has a good texture. Maybe I'll make it again while Dad's here and he can try a spoonful.

Anonymous said...

Put it in those brownies and I will eat it. A little ice cream would help.